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The Rise of Enterprise Video

Enterprise video is set to double its market value in the next few years, according to a recent report from Research and Markets. As the digital age continues to blossom, more and more businesses are turning cloud-based enterprise video solutions in place of face-to-face meetings.

Content Solutions in the Clouds

Due to the high bandwidth costs entailed in streaming videos, most businesses have chosen to go with external, cloud-based solutions as opposed to relying on in-house IT infrastructure. By choosing an external, cloud-based provider, enterprise video is made openly accessible while reducing overhead costs and maximizing internal security.

Decentralization and Mobilization

Enterprise video represents yet another step into the globalized age, where business partners may be on opposite sides of the globe yet feel as if they were sitting in the next room. Even for locally-based meetings, it is often more cost-effective to meet online rather than find office space, or to throw up a web conference rather than rent out an auditorium. As these practices become the norm, customer and employee expectations shift. Where once a customer or expert consultant might fly half-way around the world for an annual meeting, the question will now be asked: why not meet online? For local meetings, why demand a customer take time to come to your office when it is much cheaper – and preferred by all parties – that you have a quick web conference instead?

BYOD – Bring Your Own Device

By utilizing a variety of mediums and platforms, enterprise video solutions open the door for employees to use their own devices for business purposes, whether conferencing or streaming work-related media. Allowing employees to use their own devices reduces overhead and increases job satisfaction, presenting another way that companies have leveraged enterprise video to their benefit.

For more information on enterprise video solutions to match your business, contact us today.

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