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Why Having a Great Place To Work is Important in the Digital Era

Why Having a Great Place To Work is Important in the Digital Era

However, the pervasiveness of digital in the workplace has also brought challenges, such as blurring of personal and professional lives, uneven connectivity, zoom fatigue, and burn-outs among the employees. 

Such disrupted office routines have generated avid discussions around how to design smart and effective workplace environments, which are not only remote and tech-enabled but which will also foster togetherness and boost the organization’s success. 

Medianova is Now Certified and Recognized as Great Place To Work

Having a great place to work is essential for organizations that wish to thrive in today’s digital accelerated and pandemic-disrupted age. At Medianova, we are proud to have been recognized and certified as Great Place To Work

When we talk about great workplaces, one often and quickly associates it with factors such as a fat paycheck, perks, office trips, and other rewards. But these are only part of the story. An effective and great place to work must comprise of leadership who strive to create an intentional, people-centric workplace culture, and that will foster an environment of trust and collaboration. Such an engaging atmosphere will ensure that the employees are aligned with the leadership and organizational vision and mission, and it will inspire them to be motivated and give their maximum efforts towards helping the organization achieve its objective. 

However, designing a great place to work is not going to be a piece of cake for organizations. The leadership needs to be well invested in devoting their time and attention to fostering such an atmosphere, It will require them to engage with their employees regularly through authentic conversations that touch upon a range of topics, from the company’s financials to quarter goals, setbacks and learnings among others.  

Fostering a Great Place To Work will also be rewarding for businesses, in terms of hard financial KPIs. A study by Fortune showed that companies in the top 100 workplace list showed consistent and higher annualized profits as compared to others.

When employees feel a strong sense of community, communication and collaboration, it will drive loyalty and increase the employees’ affinity with the company. 

Trust, which will be the foundation of a successful business environment, within the workplace has to extend both ways. The employees must trust that the organization’s leadership will make the right decisions by taking into consideration both the company’s future and the employees’ well-being. The leaders, on the other hand, must feel confident that the employees will always act as the company’s responsible stakeholders, in their interactions with customers, vendors, and partners. This trust can be extended by pushing decision-making capabilities downwards, such as by enabling customer care executives to take on the spot decisions without relaying the request upward to the managers for seeking approval. The leadership can also begin by actively and regularly communicating important updates and news that occur at the organization’s level. 

At Medianova, building trust and engagement not only has shown to boost productivity at our workplace, but it has also contributed to increasing employee loyalty and increasing their longevity within the company. Especially in today’s digital age, as companies of all sizes are competing to attract top talent, the process of rehiring not only involves a significant cost outlay, but it also disrupts the team routine and can create a gap in the culture. 

Trust is reinforced by using the right channels for the right communication and maintain the proper etiquette. 

So, How To Develop an Organization That is Great To Work at?

Developing a great place to work in is not going to be easy, however. The momentum needs to be built and the energy and vision created needs to come from the company leadership – the founder and CEO. The plan needs to be well executed by middle-managers and employees in communicating amongst themselves and in creating and executing a comprehensive and foolproof plan. 

As workplace dynamics changes, business ebbs and flows, and new challenges keep coming up. One of the ways that companies can keep tabs on the pulse of their workforce is by rolling out periodic surveys. These surveys must include difficult questions to elicit employee responses on a wide range of topics and also ensure that the employees feel comfortable, and not threatened, in giving feedback. These feedbacks, then must be incorporated in a structured manner and the comments shared by the employees must be utilized to design an effective plan for moving forward

Here are a few things we are implementing at Medianova that allowed us to be certified as “A Great Place To Work“:

-Provide the employees with clear and specific inputs into what is expected of them, and how success would be defined. Follow this by providing them with complete autonomy in terms of choosing how, where and when they would like to work. 

-Performance reviews should be made two-way. This will not only provide the employees with the ability to receive regular feedback, but also provide them with a channel to provide feedback to their managers. 

-Give employees designated time to dip their hands in projects that they are very passionate about and which will also add value to the organization, while giving them the chance to take on projects that require strategic and creative thinking. 

-Employees feel proud to be part of the organization when the stated goals and objectives go beyond profits and are also active in causes that make a difference in the world at large. Are you as an organization doing it? 

-Employers must differentiate themselves by providing an environment that fulfils the mental, emotional, and physical needs of their workforce. It will inspire them to deliver the best and create a big impact, helping drive the vision and mission for your company. 

-A great place to work makes the employees feel a part of the organization’s success, such as in the form of bonus payouts when the company is doing well. 

With this being said, do not hesitate to browse through our job openings at Medianova, we would love to have you onboard to share this journey with you!

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